Are you delivering a Unified Buyer Experience?

MarketOne's SD360™ 'ABM-in-a-box' Solution surrounds the buyer with a co-ordinated mix of Digital and Human touches, breaking down silos and providing a seamless sales development experience

What is SD360™ ?

SD360™ is an always-on sales development and ABM engine that inputs account lists and outputs sales-ready leads (SALs), maximizing conversions into sales. We do this by unifying siloed sales and marketing touchpoints, both digital and human, providing the B2B buyer with a unified 360° experience. Emails, social selling, microsites, landing pages, calling and sales sequences are brought together holistically to break down internal silos, drive higher conversions and create a measurable impact on revenue for your business and channel partner programs.


Why SD360™?  

How do you reach contacts that are harder and harder to get hold of? How do you break down silos to ensure a seamless experience for ABM target accounts? How can you create quick to launch, agile campaigns with an off-the-shelf solution that requires no, or little integration with existing B2B enterprise systems? These are just some of the questions we asked ourselves when developing SD360™. You can read more about the origins of the solution in the blogs below.   


Is the SAL the only KPI that really matters?

Learn why the Sales Accepted Lead is the 'holy grail' of conversion rates, from marketing to sales, where every B2B business should focus its efforts, and how to create an SAL-generation engine with  SD360™.

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Silos are stifling growth, revenue and opportunity in B2B enterprise companies. But there is a solution...

Are internal silos hampering your sales and marketing efforts and causing friction? Adopt our new mantra: 'No more silos'?

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Struggling to generate leads that convert? It's time for a new approach.

The playing field for lead generation and conversion has changed dramatically over the last few years, and many businesses have been left behind. Enter  SD360™...  

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Download the SD360™ guide

Download the full guide for a comprehensive summary of the background, approach and elements involved.


About MarketOne

MarketOne is a leading provider of integrated demand generation services to B2B companies worldwide. We break down silos, using data and technology to engage buyers across the customer journey and deliver a Unified Customer Experience.

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